Member Employees
As a member employee you may:

Healthy Life Survey
Assess your health by completing our survey.

Progress Coaching
Converse with a lifestyle coach to find your best thinking around personal health goals.

Join our annual 10 week PATH Adventure to improve your fitness, nutritional practices and general wellbeing AND/OR choose your favorite Adventure from our library and go at your own pace!

Community / Keeping Fit
Use our online Community to record and track health behavior progress and communicate with others practicing similar behaviors.

Wellness Leader Sponsored Events
Partake in approved school wellness events sponsored by your building's wellness leader.

Sizzlin' Summer Challenge
Participate in summer challenges focused on family and household health.

Take these monthly trivia-style health quizzes that simplify complex topics. The Harvard approved content offers a fun-filled way to brush up on skills for navigating your safety and health care.

Know Your Numbers
Visit your health care provider annually. Learn more about what your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol numbers mean.

Show Your Smile
Visit your dental provider to have a routine checkup.

Blue Health Solutions
Participate in the award-winning Better Beginnings program or receive help to better manage a chronic or rare physical condition.

Invest EAP
Obtain confidential, short-term counseling, legal advice and information about life and workplace-related issues.

Nominate school employees who exemplify healthy living and are thriving at work, at home or in their community.
Create your VEHI PATH account.
To get started with your commitment to stay healthy this year, visit our website: and click “How to Create Your PATH Account.” Once you have created your account, start earning PATHpoints and qualify for additional rewards at the end of the school year.